Sunday, April 4, 2010

wireless internet?


i’m having a tough time posting blogs since internet is sooo hard to come by...reliable internet at least..the internet cafe in town isn’t trusty enough to use my flash drive to upload blogs anymore..and as you can see from the format of my previous blogs, navigating the albanian keyboard and the albanian internet results in blogs posted with whatever title they’d let me use...

in any case..the only thing that may be harder to come by than reliable internet to post my blogs, is the time to actually write my days are fairly simple, but full...basically it works like this...language class from 8-1...then either more training in other sectors after lunch, or more studying language after lunch...there simply isn’t enough time in the day...

i’ve tried to maintain some sort of physical activity so as not to drive myself crazy..i probably eat more calories during dinner here than i did all meals throughout the day in the US...i’m very lucky to have the fresh food that i’ve had from my host family...every dinner includes a salad with all the vegetables i could ask for...i usually get two separate plates with different meet and a carb to go with each meat...pilaf, potatoes, or spaghetti...some volunteers aren’t so lucky to have all the options i i figure for the next ten weeks i’ll probably gain about 10-15 pounds..but once i get to site i’ll get back to my normal weight and hopefully a semi-normal workout routine...

communication with my host family and albanians has come a long way in the last few weeks and all of the studying and language classes are paying off, so that’s a plus...hopefully by the end of the 10 weeks i’ll be able to take my host dad out for “kafe” and hold a semi-decent conversation....that’s my know enough albanian to really thank my host family...

anyway..just wanted to give you guys a quick update..missing everyone, haven’t been to in weeks, lol, so i’m out of the loop on all my sports...

this weekend we’re having site visits with currently serving volunteers and apparently i lucked out and am going to a pretty cool city...sooo, we’ll see how it goes...that’s all for now...

4/3 i think/10

just got to an internet cafe that has on in the background...1 st movie...see no evil, here no evil...a classic with richard pryor and gene wilder that not many people know about, i brought it to movie, freddy got fingered, staring, tom green..gotta love it


  1. Nice! All that work you are putting in on language will show in the end.

    I guess all you need to know about sports is that Duke made the finals of the NCAA tourney(against Butler) and that Bret Hart beat Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania, lol.

  2. Haha...I was gonna give the SportsCenter update too...well done Haas. Duke beat Butler by a basket, Opening Day just baseball is up and running, and the Lakers re-signed Kobe to a 3 year extension, though they've looked shaky the last few games.

  3. dodgers lost first game ...but play 2nd game of sesason tonight against pirates...GO BIG BLUE
    take care jeff!!!

  4. dodgers lost first game of the season against pirates....
    take care!!!!

