Monday, April 26, 2010


finally got to put my newly bought basketball to use with some other volunteers and one albanian kids...good was nice to just get out, run, and play a fun game...nice stresss free sunday...

as part of our training we have to do a project in our home group put together something at the local school with the 8th and 9th graders...we're going to have them draw pictures of their favorite things about their town...we didn't have a lot of time to put the project together, but the idea is to get them thinking about their community as a home and place to stay and have a community...our town is so small it doesn't have it's own government offices, and many business are actually in the town next store...many of the people go to other cities to work, so hence the idea of getting them to think about their own town as a place to live and work...obviously it's a lot more complicated, and if there are no jobs in town they can't really stay...but i think peace corps wants us to get used to planning, mapping, and then executing projects...

many more projects to come...have met a few more of the current volunteers and they are all pretty cool....SOOOO FAR SOOOO GOOOD...

one last note, i might be getting a dog at my site from the current volunteer there that is leaving..we shall see, but that might be kinda cool...i was hesistant until i heard the phrase, he'll keep you warm in the winter...i'm nearly sold...


  1. haha you worte so far so good in caps because of me jerk. just sayin, you use it ALOT

  2. glad to hear you are hitting the courts again... keep it up and we'll save your spot on the squad ! (well, maybe not, but you maybe you can just be our captain/coach like Bob does for The Tavern team?)

  3. Aweeeee, a dog!!! That's rad!!! It can keep you warm and be your new running buddy too!
