every now and again i'll have a bad day with the language and get down on myself because of my desire to communicate better...the truth is, i do alright, but, as with everything, there is room for improvement...anyway, i recently had two conversations that i'd like to quickly highlight because of their randomness, and because i'm proud of my ability to understand the topic...
a few weeks ago i went back to my host family's house to visit, enjoy some food, and company...i brought a liter and a half of RAKI as a gift (i'll be bringing some back with me to America on may 28th for all those who would like to try it) and was more than repaid in hospitality, food, and wine...gift giving has never been a forte for me, in fact, gift receiving has even gotten weird for me as i've gotten older...
anyway, back on point..my host dad and i were sitting in the living room watching a little tv and out of nowhere he asks if i've ever had a dream where i was able to fly...i excitedly responded that yes i have, and asked him if he has, and how often he has that dream...he explained that he recently had the dream, but it wasn't the first time...he was sooooo excited to tell me about his flying dream, and the things he did, how weird it was to be flying, and how weird it was that i also had that dream...i explained to him it's a pretty common dream, i don't know why people have it...but it's a lot of fun as long as you don't fall down..we both got a laugh out of that...in my head i could only think of the "naked at school dream" - i quickly ran through the scenario in my head and realized i had the vocabulary for it, but quickly realized this wasn't the time of the place for that conversation....thankfully i hadn't been drinking...
then, this past week i had a conversation with a coworker about a stamp collection, again, another topic that is very unusual, and unordinary...the more i think about the conversation, the less difficult i remember it being, probably because the only word that i don't use often is stamp...but nonetheless, at the beginning of this blog i cited two stories (i think), and this is the second one that actually inspired me to write this post...so anyway, he told me about the age of his collection, where they were from, and how many he had....asked if i had a collection, to which i replied no, but i did collect sports cards when i was a kid...i think i was able to explain that accurately...
i'm hoping that within my last year here i'll have many more conversations like these and will be able to express myself even better with continued practice and study of the language.